Family Help: Single Mom Reclaims Relationships
Jessica is a single mother from Fullerton who came to Friendly Center seeking counseling for domestic violence experienced ten years ago. Currently on disability from a work injury as a Certified Nurse Assistant, Jessica found that the tumultuous relationship she was experiencing with her children was getting worse as they reached their teenage years. Through the entire process, Jessica was able to share with Friendly Center the various obstacles keeping her from a cohesive and stable home life with her three children. Jessica reported that her children regularly verbally abused her and were difficult to control both in and outside of the home. One of her daughters even refused to attend school regularly.
Despite these various struggles at home, Friendly Center staff noticed Jessica’s spirit of perseverance: she was resourceful, proactive in protecting her family, and wholeheartedly committed to the welfare of her children. That commitment began to pay off when her son was referred through Friendly Center to a short-term military academy. Jessica’s son has since completed the program, and is now back at home, where she reports his attitude has completely changed. She was particularly impressed with his growth in respecting others and being obedient.
Friendly Center not only provided what Jessica needed regarding domestic violence counseling, but also counseling resources for her daughter who was no longer interested or engaged in schoolwork. In the spring, Jessica began attending FRC parenting classes.
In the months since starting counseling, Jessica has reported her daughter making a complete transformation – she was excited to start junior high this Fall. Before, Jessica’s children were defiant and struggled to get out of the door every morning. Now, they help each other prepare for the school day, and get their homework done without Jessica reminding them.
Last week, Jessica called Friendly Center staff to thank them for all their help in getting her family on the right track. Jessica admits that she was shocked by the dramatic transformation, but she knows not to take her family’s successes for granted. For this reason, Jessica has shown continued interest participating in Friendly Center support groups, including a class on healthy relationships that met for the first time in September.