A Beacon of Volunteerism in Orange County

A Beacon of Volunteerism in Orange County

In the heart of Orange County resides a remarkable soul whose dedication to community service shines brightly – Lucy Castillo. A native of Orange County and a retired City of Santa Ana employee, has become an integral part of the Friendly Center family since September 2022. Her journey into volunteerism began with a simple Google search for “volunteer opportunities near me,” leading her to the doors of Friendly Center, where her passion for serving others has flourished ever since.

Lucy’s initial foray into volunteering saw her lending a hand at the food distribution program, where she quickly became an indispensable asset. Despite her retired status and numerous other commitments, Lucy’s commitment to giving back to her community remains unwavering. Her willingness to go above and beyond by volunteering for several other programs at Friendly Center is a testament to her selflessness and dedication.

Recognizing her exemplary contributions, Lucy was named the top volunteer at Friendly Center for the year 2023. Her outstanding service did not go unnoticed beyond the confines of Friendly Center either. She was nominated to receive a certificate as the top volunteer through ONE OC in partnership with Bracken’s Kitchen, further highlighting her impact and dedication to the community.

Speaking about her experience, Lucy humbly acknowledges the privilege she enjoys in her own life and feels a deep-seated obligation to extend a helping hand to those in need. For her, volunteering is not just a task but a source of fulfillment and joy. It’s the intrinsic satisfaction of knowing that she’s making a positive difference in the lives of others that keeps her motivated.

On behalf of Friendly Center, there is immense gratitude for Lucy’s unwavering commitment and tireless efforts in serving the community. Her positive attitude, dedication, and kindness have left an indelible mark on everyone she encounters. Lucy’s endorsement of Friendly Center speaks volumes about the organization’s impact and the supportive environment it provides for volunteers.

In her own words, Lucy highlights the exceptional camaraderie and support offered by the Friendly Center staff, inviting others to join in the fulfilling experience of volunteering. Her message is clear: if you have the opportunity to volunteer with Friendly Center, seize it without hesitation.

Lucy Castillo stands as a beacon of volunteerism in Orange County, inspiring others to lend their time and talents for the betterment of the community. Her selfless spirit and unwavering dedication serve as a reminder that small acts of kindness can create a ripple effect of positivity, transforming lives and communities for the better.

By Mariah Martinez, PR & Marketing Manager

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