Program – Education Programs

Friendly Center’s Education Programs are designed to give people of all ages the opportunity to find support to succeed.
At the center of the Education Programs is The Power of Me, a free, year-round academic program that provides 1st-8th grade students homework help, tutoring, S.T.E.A.M. programming (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math), literacy curriculum, and wraparound social services. Data on disadvantaged students in Orange County shows that programs like The Power of Me are greatly needed. Over 50% of socioeconomically disadvantaged Orange County high school students graduate without the course requirements needed to go on to a 4-year college. As a program serving students from extremely low-income families, The Power of Me hopes to change these statistics by offering students the resources to build a strong academic foundation for high school, college, and beyond.
Friendly Center also offers classes for adults in the areas of parenting, job development, and financial literacy. These programs are supportive and preventative, offer the guidance many individuals need in order to move themselves from crisis to stability.