Struggling Single Dad Receives Vital Support at Friendly Center

Paul was a single dad struggling with unemployment and mental health issues during the first six months of the pandemic. He felt these hardships were impacting his children, Sam (13) and Connor (11), in multiple ways. Most notably around food security, with the family running out of food much faster and having limited resources to purchase more when needed.
Paul and his children were experiencing what many families have been over the past year; the distress that comes when mental health issues, food insecurity, and limited income converge. According to the Food Research & Action Center, “food insecurity and poor mental health are related, each making the other worse in a vicious cycle.”
To break this cycle, Paul decided it was time to ask for help, so he tried to find a therapist. This process ended up leaving him deeply discouraged, as it was challenging to find the help he needed with his limited income.
It was during this time that Paul found Friendly Center, where he was able to enroll in case management with a Family Support Advocate. Soon after, he was connected with a therapist through Friendly Center. While attending weekly therapy sessions, he worked with his Family Support Advocate to learn coping skills and enroll in other Friendly Center programs like rental assistance and food distributions.
Paul reports feeling more relieved thanks to the help he has received at Friendly Center, crediting the programs with helping him and his children get back on their feet.