Virtual Summer Program is a Success!

This week, The Power of Me completed its annual summer program! The 6-week virtual program gave students the chance to engage in fun activities ranging from at-home science experiments to a virtual field trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium.

As it became clear that the summer program, like the spring semester, would need to look different, Friendly Center staff coordinated with schools to ensure students in The Power of Me could keep their laptops over the summer. To enhance the online learning experience, each Monday morning, students and their families would pick up materials to supplement program curriculum. And for those who could not make it to these pick-ups, staff delivered materials.
In addition to receiving academic and social support through the program, The Power of Me has helped students and their families receive food assistance through Friendly Center’s Community Food program. This is an especially important resource, not only for those enrolled in The Power of Me, but many local families struggling to put food on the table at this time. With children now at home for most of the day and less access to in-school feeding programs, many low-income households are at greater risk of food insecurity and hunger.
Though there is still uncertainty as to what schooling will look like in the fall, The Power of Me is prepared to continue its programming for low-income families. If the summer program is any indication, whether The Power of Me occurs in-person or online, our students’ ability to access academic, social, and basic needs support will be unwavering.
To support The Power of Me as it continues to be available, free of charge, to low-income families in Orange County you can donate to Friendly Center today!