Program Building Update

In preparation for more clients receiving services in-person, it was decided a revamp of Friendly Center’s program building in Orange was in order. Though the building hasn’t seen its full in-person capacity reached since early 2020, many programs have still operated out of it over the last year and a half: from virtual tutoring and remote family services to a socially distanced holiday distribution that provided toys to 895 children last winter.
Revamping the program building would primarily involve repainting the interior, updating the after-school program’s bookcases, and constructing an additional office space to provide more on-site family services. Coincidentally, it was during the initial planning of the project that Friendly Center was contacted by Kenny Fisher (pictured), a high school senior hoping to complete his Eagle Scout service project. Per the requirements of an Eagle Scout service project, the Eagle Scout is must do their own fundraising and management of the project at hand. Of the projects available for the revamp, Kenny chose to design, build, and paint new bookshelves.
From there, painting of the building’s interior was partially funded by Orange Elks Lodge #1475 and many helping hands made construction on the additional family services office come together. Friendly Center is very pleased with the result of this project: an updated building better fit for a variety of programs and ready to serve more children and families.