Program – Community Food

Program: Community Food
Food prices continue to be at an above historical-average rates. Though inflation food prices are slowing down in grocery store aisles, it’s still not enough to provide significant relief for at-risk families.
Food insecurity is a household-level condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food. It grips entire households, negatively influencing the physical, behavioral, and mental health outcomes of everyone in the family.
Every Friday, between our service locations Buena Park and Orange, about 5,000 pounds of food is distributed by a dozen volunteers to registered families. Our fresh food distribution includes produce, milk, meat, and eggs – despite the price spike. Each family at the distribution ends up walking away with about 30 pounds of groceries – helping them supplement their income for other household needs. This impact is possible because of supporters like you who volunteer, donate food, and contribute financially.
Learn more about the need in Orange County.