Strengthening Family Bonds

Strengthening Family Bonds

Many of the families Friendly Center serves may not have the resources to do activities together, which can put a strain on relationships within the home. Friendly Center’s Family Engagement program provides a structured environment for children and parents to participate in quality family bonding time. At the most recent Family Engagement event, children and families had the opportunity to participate in several activities and enjoy a lunch that was provided.

The first activity, called Musical Hearts, was a little more physical and incorporated some exercise. Similar to musical chairs, the children had to walk on heart-shaped cards and follow the instructions on each one they landed on. Some cards instructed them to do jumping jacks or wiggle their hips, while other cards instructed them to tell a family member why they love them. About 30 children and parents participated, and at the end of the event a raffle was held.

In accordance with Blue Ribbon Month, Friendly Center continues to promote child abuse awareness and prevention, and that starts within the home. As a Community Resource Center, Friendly Center strives to find ways to promote family wellness and the well-being of the children. By providing events such as this, family members learn to communicate and work together with one another through meaningful activities, in a safe environment.

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